April 27-May 10, Geneva
Eco-Accord took part in ExCOP to three chemical conventions namely the Stockholm Convention on POPs, the Basel Convention and the Rotterdam Convention. For more details >>>
2 May, 2013, Geneva:
Eco-Accord in partnership with Regional Stockholm Centre, UNEP. IPEN and GRID-Arendal organised a side event during ExCOP to three Chemical Convention.
For details >>>
June 13-22, 2012
Eco-Accord participated in 4th Preparatory Committee and United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), Side-event “«Towards Green  Economy:perspectives, benefits, concerns” has been organized
April, 17-20, 2012
Eco-Accord on behalf of European Eco-Forum participated in 18th session of the UN ECE Committee on Environmental Policy to discuss issues, related to “Environment for Europe” process.
December, 1-2, 2011
Eco-Accord participated in the UNECE Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Rio+20 (RPM).
November 15-18, 2011
SAICM OEWG took place in Belgrade, Serbia. Eco-Accord participated as part of IPEN delegation. More....
September 19, 2011
NGO Forum "Raising the capacity of the civil society on SAICM implementation at the national and regional levels in the EECCA" took place in Astana, Kazakhstan. Eco-Accord was one of the coorganisers.

11 May, 2011. Olga Speranskaya, Director of Chemical Safety Program was officially announced as one of the Champions of the Earth Award 2011. She was awarded the prize in the Science and Innovation nomination for “successfully mobilizing civil society in eliminating obsolete pesticides and toxic chemicals in the former Soviet region.” More >>>

April 25-29, 2011
The Fifth Conference of Parties to the Stockholm Convention on POPs was held in Geneva. Eco-Accord participated as an observer.
24-28 January, 2011
The second session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on Mercury (INC2) was held in Chiba, Japan from 24 to 28 January, 2011. Eco-Accord participate in INC2 as an obersver.
December 10,2010
Outcomes of GEF project on Management and Destruction of the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
stockpiles in the Republic of Moldova was held in Chisinau. Eco-Accord made a presentation entitled "Global Outreach Campaign on SAICM"
November 23, 2010
The meeting  of the Interministerial Counsil on  Stockholm NIP preparation met in Moscow. Eco-Accord presented a draft Chapter on Public awareness and participation in accordance with the provisions of the Stockholm Convention on POPs
October, 16-22 2010
IPEN General Assambley took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on October, 18-22. It was the first IPEN GA organised in the EECCA region. Eco-Accord was a coorganiser of the meeting and IPEN Focal Point for the EECCA. All materials will be available on www.ecoaccord.org/pop/
October 14-15, 2010
Chemical Safety and the Rotterdam Convention: Policy and Practives in Russia. The international expert conference was organised by Eco-Accord in partnership with Russian and international organisations. the conference was held in Moscow, October 14-15, 2010 and was focused on issues related to the accession of Russia to the Rotterdam convention. The conference resolution can be downloaded here>>>  All conference materials will be available soon on www.ecoaccord.org/pop/
September 28 2010
Eco-Accord made a presentation "Asbestos production and use in the EECCA opportunity for Green growth" at the side event "Green Economy and the Mining Sector Sustainability Guidelines and Mechanisms" organised in the frame of the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific (MCED-6).
September 15-17 2010
The workshop on GHS Stocktaking Workshop for Southeast, East and Central Asia was held in Beijing, China. Eco-Accod and The Foundation for Support of Civil Initiatives made a presentation on NGO vision regarding GHS implementation
September 13-16á 2010
The 60th session of WHO European Bureau was held in Moscow. Eco-Accord participated as an obs
June 7-11 2010
The first session of the Intergovernmental negotiating committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury. Eco-Accord participated in the session as an observer.
May 3-14, 2010
18th session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development took place in New York, May 3-14, 2010. Eco-Accord participated in the session as a member of Women's Major Group
Parma, Italy,9-11 March, 2010
Eight winning projects have received Children's Environment and Health Plan for Europe (CEHAPE) Awards at the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the WHO European Region on Environment and Health. Eco-Accord participated in organising the Award
17-18 December, 2009
Scoping Meeting for the Study of Stakeholder Needs for Information on Chemicals in Products (CiP) was held in Geneva, Switzerland on 17-18 December, 2009. Eco-Accord participated as a member of the CiP Coordination Group
14-16 December, 2009
Meeting on Mainstreaming  the  Sound  Management  of  Chemicals  into  National  Development  Planning took place in Geneva on 14-16 December, 2009. Eco-Accord presented the International POPs Elimination Network
Geneva, December, 1-2, 2009
The Fourth Regional Implementation Meeting (RIM-4)on Sustainable Development took place in Geneva. Eco-Accord made intervention on two CSD thematic clusters: Chemicals and Waste Management
Moscow, October, 20, 2009
Eco-Accord participated in ACAP 18th Obsolete Pesticides Steering Group meeting and presented technologies of obsolete pesticide management which are alternative to incineration.
September, 23-25,2009, Baku
FIRST TRADE UNION CONFERENCE ON LABOUR AND THE ENVIRONMENT in EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA was held on September, 23-25, in Baku, Azerbaijan. Eco-Accord and RUZGIAR made a joint presentation entitled "NGO role in addressing chemical safety problems in the Azerbaijan and other EECCA countries.
11-15 May, 2009,Geneva
The second session of the International Conference on Chemical Management was held in Geneva. Eco-Accord made a presentation on The Role of Inter-Sectoral Partnerships in Development of Regional and Local PRTRs, held a round table on toxic toys, made a presentation on toxic impact on women's health and a presentation on Global Citizen's Report
Geneva, May 4-9, 2009,
COP4 to the Stockholm Convention on POPs was finalised in Geneva. Eco-Accord participated in COP4 as an observer. It made interventions on the plenary concerning NGO participation in the work of the Clearing House formed by the Secretariat of the Convention.. NGO position on COP4 outcomes can be seen here...
On 29-30 April 2009
in Geneva Eco-Accord took part in the 6th meeting of the Legal Board of the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. The Legal Board discussed the draft Guide to Implementation of the Convention.
On 27-29 April 2009
in Bonn Eco-Accord took part in the session of the European Environment and Health Committee and in the Third High Level Preparatory Meeting towards the Fifth Ministerial Conference “Environment and Health” (Parma-2010). More…
On 20-21 April 2009
in Almaty Eco-Accord Center participated in the workshop “International water law and negotiations” organized by the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia and the UNECE. Eco-Accord’s expert made a presentation about institutional cooperation of the Parties to the UNECE Water Convention by means of agreements and joint bodies.
On 27-29 January, 2009,in Luxemburg Eco-Accord Center took part in the European Environment and Health Committee and in the Thematic Meeting on Healthy Environments on the way to the Fifth Ministerial Conference "Environment and Health" (Parma-2009). More >>>
Paris,  December 3-4, 2008,
Eco-Accord took part in the second drafting group on the Ministerial Declaration for the Fifth Ministerial Conferenhce "Environment and Health" (Parma-2010). More...>>>
Rome, October 27, 2008
Eco-Accord made a presentation on Asbestos: Realities, Problems, Recommendations"
Rome, October 27-31, 2008
Eco-Accord participated in the Fourth Conference of Parties to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
On 22-24 October 2008, in Madrid, Eco-Accord took part in the Second High-Level Meeting towards the Fifth Ministerial Conference "Environment and Health" , where it made a presentation on chemical safety issues More>>>
On 20-22 October 2008, Eco-Accord participated in Madrid International Symposium on Public Health.
On 2-3 October 2008
Eco-Accord took part in the 5th meeting of the Legal Board of the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes in Geneva More>>>
August 4 2008
Eco-Accord participated as an expert in the workshop "SAICM- Global agreement on environment and health protection" organized in Erevan
August 1 2008
Eco-Accord conducted a round table "Chrysotile asbestos - problems of production and use in Russia and in the world".
May 23, 2008
Eco-Accord organised a round table  Chemicals and Health in Nizny Novgorod in the frame of the 10th international scientific and industrial forum "Great rivers"
April 17-25 2008
Eco-Accord participated in UNCTAD-XII ( http://www.unctadxii.org ) anc parallel Civil Society Forum ( http://www.unctadxii-csoforum.org/index3.html  )
March 27 2008
Russian NGO Statement was prepared concerning the decision of the Moscow government to start building waste incinerators in the city. Eco-Accord participated in broad dissemination of the Statement among the EECCA NGOs
January 23-25, 2008
Eco-Accord participated in SAICM Global Outreach Committee meeting aimed at starting SAICM outreach campaign worldwide
3-4 December 2007
Eco-Accord coorganised a workshop in Stockholm "Strengthening capacity on chemicals safety among NGOs in Belarus, Russian and Ukraine"
8 June, 2007
Eco-Accord made a report on the workhshop on UN Biodiversity Convention implementation in Russia.
22-23 May 2007
Eco-Accord participated in the meeting  "The Role of Russian NGOs in the Development of NIP to the Stockholm Convention on POPs". The meeting was held in the frame of GEF Project  Building Capacity in the Russian Federation to implement the Stockholm Convention on POPs and develop the National POPs Implementation Plan".
28 April - 4 May 2007
Eco-Accord participated in COP-3 to the Stockholm Convention on POPs as  the member of IPEN delegation. More...
22-23 March 2007
Eco-Accord together with its partners on the program “Trade and Sustainable Development” participated in Regional Workshop on WTO Negotiations, organized by AITIC in Tbilisi, Georgia.
13 March 2007
Eco-Accord participated in meeting with Russian Sherpa Igor Shuvalov and Chairman of Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova to discuss G8 issues.
11-13 February 2007
Eco-Accord participated in the subregional workshop Toxic Free Future" (Impact of toxic chemicals on the environment and human health of people in Central Asia: ways to address the problem)
7-9 February 2007
Eco-Accord participated as an expert and organizer in three workshops held in Kiev, Minsk and Moscow as part of a joint project A Toxic Free Europe-2" implemented in partnership with Belarus and Ukrainian NGO
4-5 December 2006
ECO-Accord represented European ECO-Forum at the 2ns Meeting of the UNECE Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development, (Geneva. Palais des Nations)
December, 2, 2006
Eco-Accord participated in final conference of Civil G8.
More http://en.civilg8.ru/
November, 9-13, 2006
Eco-Accord participated in the strategy meeting of the Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network, the foremost international network of NGOs and social movements focused on the WTO (Sao Paulo, Brazil). More: www.ourworldisnotforsale.org
November, 18-23, 2006
Åñî-Àññîrd participated in the Working Groups on best available techniques and guidance on best environmental practices relevant (BAP/BEP) held in
Geneva, . The Working Group was formed in 2003 with the aim to prepare the guidelines on best available techniques and guidance on best environmental
practices relevant to Article 5 and Annex C of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
8-9 November 2006
ECO-Accord representative participated as an international expert in the UNECE workshop for EECCA subregion on implementation of UNECE Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development on 8-9 November 2006 and made a keynote presentation on ESD specific in EECCA
October, 11 2006
The first National meeting on POPs problems in the Russian Federation focused on the preparation of the National Iplementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on POPs was held in the Ministry of Natural Resources. Eco-Accord made a presentation on State and perspectives of the Russian legislation on POPs.
October, 9 2006
A workshop on chemical safety was held in Moscow State University, Chemical Department. Eco-Accord made a presentation on IFCS V outcomes held in Bupadest, September, 24-29, 2006
September, 19-22, 2006
NGOs, members of the International POPs Elimination Network, gathered in Budapest on September, 19-22, 2006, to discuss issues of the implementation of the Stockholm Conventions on the national and regional levels and NGO Plan of Actions aimed at strengthening NGO involvement into the implementation of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management
August 31
Workshop "POPs Impact on Human Health and the Environment in Armenia" was held in Erevan  More..
August 24
Workshop "Perspectives of the realisation of the Stockholm Convention in Kyrgyzstan" was held in Kyrgyzstan.  More...
12-13 July
Eco-Accord hosted a workshop on strengthening NGO participation in addressing toxic substances.
3-4 July, 2006
Ñivil G8  http://en.civilg8.ru/  Forum took place in Moscow on July, 3-4 2006. Eco-Accord coordinated preparation "Strengthening of Global Economic and Social System for Sustainable Human Development" and presented the results at the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin
>> text
7-9 June
Workshops on the WTO and necessity to increase civil society role took place in Baku and Tbilisi.
Russian edition of the "Green Pack" - a multimedia kit of materials on environment and sustainable development for formal, informal and non-formal education, addressed to school teachers, educators and students of 5-11 grades - was officially launched by the REC-CEE and ECO-Accord together with the Ministry of Education of the Moscow region at the Launching event for Moscow region on 5 April in Moscow State Regional University (one of the oldest pedagogical higher education institutions of Russia) <<More>>

21-22 March, 2006 – EU Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment Stocktaking Conference took place in Brussels. <<More >>

On March 9-10, 2006  Civil G8 Forum took place in Moscow. Forum elaborated recommendations for G8 Summit (July, Sankt-Peterburg), in particular,  on international trade (http://trade.ecoaccord.org , useful links) and new challenges for education in globalizing world. <<More...>>